- let and const keywords: The let and const keywords allow you to declare variables with block scope, which means they are only accessible within the block in which they are defined. This helps avoid issues with variable hoisting and can make your code more readable.
2. Arrow functions: Arrow functions provide a concise syntax for writing function expressions. They are shorter, easier to read, and allow for implicit returns.
3. Template literals: Template literals provide an easy way to create strings that contain variables or expressions. They use back-ticks () instead of single or double quotes, and allow you to embed expressions inside
4. Destructuring assignment: Destructuring allows you to extract values from arrays or objects into separate variables, making it easier to work with complex data structures.
5. Spread operator: The spread operator allows you to spread the contents of an array or object into another array or object. This can be useful for merging arrays, copying arrays or objects, or creating new arrays or objects based on existing ones.